How it works...

So you are ready to try something new ?


Mmmm. Well you are on the right track.!

You both need your phone and bluetooth earbuds to listen to a matching audio file....

You and your partner hear different instructions so you can't predict each other's behavior.

But that's not all...

You'll also get to hear suggestions, music and sound effects...

You will be guided inside a world where imagination and reality are no longer distinguished

If you think you have seen everything in the sex field, soon you'll realize how much there's still to discover.

Different methods and techniques are used to deceive you.

During the session it may happen that you are startled or that you feel a little anxious.

You may be asked to do things you usually don't do.

Don't worry this is part of the play and will only add to your experience. Fear and insecurity increase arousal.

The loss of control and not knowing what's going to happen can be a very nice feeling if you give in to it.

Your partner will be a different person and master new skills.

You will be surprised how much pleasure this will give !

And of course you too will be guided to give pleasure to your partner in a different way than usual.

It'll be like having sex for the first time.

Nothing will be sure except that it will be intense...

Copy rights

Once you have downloaded an audio you can play it as often as you like.
However, it is not allowed to copy or distribute files.

Audios are watermarked with the buyer's email to prevent illegal distribution.


Are you an erotic voice actor, script writer or music composer and would you like to work with us?